Monday, 27 June 2016

Studio Portrait

In my first year at college one of our projects was all about portraiture, this was the project that got me most excited as I finally had the freedom I wanted to explore with my camera and also my model. I could do any type of portrait, I wanted style and a pop of fun. After a lot of research I found a fashion and art photographer - TOMAAS. I adored the Paris based photographers work, it was fresh and had style and something so powerfully eye capturing. The work I was inspired by came under 'Candy Warhol'. 

For this project along with the freedom came independence. I had to purchase any of my own props that might be needed and find a model and a back-up model if I was cancelled on. I knew straight away who I would ask to be my model - Holly Dugdale. Holly has very sharp and model-like features and I knew she could pull off the look I was going for.

On the day of my photo-shoot, my model came in a few hours prior so I could do her make-up and talk her through how I would like her to be positioned etc. I then had to set up in the studio along with my assistant. For this photo-shoot I used a beauty dish which was facing the model and then had two medium soft boxes lighting up the background. Also I had the opportunity to change my background colour instead of using gels, so I chose pastel pink so it wasn't too dominating over the model. 

White off the shoulder top
100's and 1000's 
Strawberry laces 

This was the shot I used for my A3 print, I love the positioning in this and how the negative space is used. My model looks poised and fierce which worked really well. I received constructive criticism on this shot from my class and was told I should have removed the top from her shoulder - at the time of editing I had not noticed but now I would remove it if I knew how to do it. 

These are a few of my final shots which have been retouched using Adobe Photoshop. I used the curves tool only on the selected background to brighten it up and also add a gradient to it to give more dimension. Also using the blemish tool I removed any blemishes for a flawless appearance and using the dodge and burn tool I highlighted the cheekbones and collar bones more and using the burn tool allowed me to add a slight contour/shadowing to the jawlines and cheekbone. I really enjoyed the editing side of this project as much as being in the studio.

Model - Holly Dugdale.

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